When times get tough, you may find it easier to think 'unlike' a consumer. Our family made multiple trips to our local supermarket, pharmacy and other retail locations in search of the most sought after staple. While essential businesses continued to function, there was one paper products aisle that remained barren. Memories of supply and demand graphs danced in my head as I thought of how to preserve our last two rolls of this most precious commodity. It was by no means a crisis, compared with the sacrifices of others, but small things do need to be addressed. It was time to find a new approach to our residential inventory management and it wasn't happening with Walmart or Amazon.

I needed a couple of high-volume laser printer cartridges for the office, so it was perfect timing to bundle a few add-ons. Here's the good news and successful outcome I wanted to share.
In less than 48 hours, our home office and residential restrooms were stocked with plenty of toner and toilet paper. In addition to that, we were graciously 'upsold' on 100 pair of disposable gloves for preparing sandwiches safely for Dorothy Day House in Danbury, CT. And, I must say that the conversation with my customer support representative at W.B. Mason was one of the best I've ever had. She was fantastic.
So we have re-engineered our spindles for commercial TP access at home, but that's far better than the alternative -- we choose to not speak about that.
So, our recommendation is to follow the President's guidelines to protect others, stay safe and call W.B. Mason for the rest.