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About Programmatic B2B

Who We Are

Our mission is to provide clarity, transparency and accountability to the B2B marketing process. We are located in Fairfield County, CT with offices in Danbury and Ridgefield. Our strengths-based team will be focused on your specific goals and optimize along the way to maximize results. If you are seeking objectivity and a fresh perspective on your business-to-business marketing strategy, then please contact us for an initial consultation.

What We Do

Programmatic B2B builds custom audiences, delivers interactive creative content, and facilitates relevant, cost-effective B2B marketing communications with cross-channel consistency and complete transparency. Everything we do is backed with comprehensive reporting and analysis. This includes detailed reports of email address verification and delivery, front-end campaign performance, online and offline attribution of new customer acquisition and sales.

B2B Digital Advertising Audiences


Wholesale agreements with the leading full contact databases for building custom B2B audiences aligned with your objectives.

B2B Digital Advertising Creative


Unlimited options for video, display, email and social. All creative assets are designed with your custom audience in mind.

B2B Digital Advertising Activation


Activate your audience on the top digital advertising platforms including Google, Trade Desk, LinkedIn, LiveIntent and more.

How We Do It

We studied the consumer marketing playbook to replicate many B2C marketing best practices for B2B. Then we applied the winning combination of man (qualitative) and machine (quantitative) decision making to the process. Programmatic B2B integrates with dozens of strategic data partners, platforms and measurement tools to maximize Return on Advertising Spend (RoAS) for every client. 



Our wholesale B2B database partnerships enable us to provide accurate cross-channel and cross-device targeting for any company, industry, job function and location in the world. This applies to every top B2B digital media channel including programmatic display and native advertising, opt-in email newsletter sponsorships, social media platforms, newsfeeds, connected TV, paid search engine marketing, prospect email marketing and video.

There is no cost to talk to us, so why not give us a call now at 1 855 PRO - BTOB or contact us here.

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